viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Practical N° 3: Song


AGE: 8-9 years old students.

* To revise numbers and classroom rulestaught in the previous classes.
* To practice the speaking, reading, listening and writing macro-skills.

 - We will begin our class showing students numbers(from 1 to 10) and classroom rules´ flashcards asking them some questions:
* Which number is this children?
*What colour is this number?
*Which classroom rule is this?
*Which of these rules are more important for you?
5 minutes
*First Activity:
-We will provide students with the lyric of the song that we chose. (Shape up 1, Pupil´s book, Paul A. Davis and Hans Mol, Series Consultant: CarolinaSkoppek, Macmillan, Page 7, Exercise 2, CD1, track 7).
- Then, students will read the song with the teachers´help.
-After the reading, students will listen to the song and fill in the blanks (They will listen to the song 3 times).
-Finally, we will check the activity on the board with the students.
15 minutes

*Second activity:
- We will give some drawings with a number (from 1 to 10) to each of the students, a wooden stick and sticking plaster.
-We will explain to the students the activity they have to do with the materials.
- Students will have to colour the drawings and stick the wooden stick at the back of the number in order to create a kind of “puppet”.
5 minutes
* Third Activity:
-We will explain the following activity to the students (once they finish activity 2).
-We will play the song again and the students will sing participating actively.
- They will have to stand up putting up their numbers´puppets when they recognize the number they have.
5 minutes
Suggested activities for the following lesson:
* Playing a memory game using the classroom rules´ flashcards on the board.
*Playing a bingo with numbers from 1 to 10.
* Making posters of the classroom rules to stick on the walls of the classroom.

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